Npm version badge downloads

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Sintatic sugar exceptions for Node.js. Contribute to EgaLabs/node-ejsception development by creating an account on GitHub. 23 Jul 2018 The popularity section is mostly dependent upon downloads and github I decided to add 4 badges to the README: npm package version, 

with real-time monitoring and automatic updates for npm dependencies Based on the test results and your current version definitions we will open up clear, 

25 Sep 2013 Add build status, version and dependency badges to your downloads, last update, version and even the install command: NPM  discord travis npm version npm downloads Standard - JavaScript Style Guide If you use standard in your project, you can include one of these badges in your  A Project status badge is a dynamically generated image displaying the status of the last build. You can put a status badge on the home page of your GitHub  Get recognition for learning that happens anywhere. Then share it on the places that matter. A digital badge is an online representation of a skill you've earned. downloads today, downloads in this week, downloads in this month Badge URL:

23 Jul 2018 The popularity section is mostly dependent upon downloads and github I decided to add 4 badges to the README: npm package version, 

Download Icon Font. WordPress Plugin Version. Use with any WordPress theme to add Themify icons in ti-id-badge. ti-hummer. ti-home. ti-help. ti-headphone. When publishing a package to the public npm registry, use a “Version Badge” from to display the version and link to the package page on Simplified HTTP request client. [![npm version](]( [![downloads count](]( We serve fast and scalable informational images as badges for GitHub, Travis CI, Jenkins, WordPress and many more services. Use them to track the state of your projects, or for promotional purposes. NPM scripts: used for publishing packages, etc. Contribute to OpusCapita/npm-scripts development by creating an account on GitHub.

Command Line Apps Script Projects. Contribute to google/clasp development by creating an account on GitHub. Rust Crates? version /crates/v/regex: downloads /crates/d/regex: downloads (per month) /jsdelivr/hits/npm/lodash: rank /jsdelivr/rank/npm/lodash: version /jsdelivr/v/npm/lodash. The npm in your URL stands for Node package manager which is not what to be possible to get a badge for the monthly downloads like this. In addition, for npm packages you can try Nodeico for more or can I add Node.js if all I know is how to install node modules/NPM installs? The one-page guide to Code badges: usage, examples, links, snippets, and [![npm version](](  19 Apr 2017 Badges? Why don't I have any stinking badges? With a flick or your wrist and a flourish of your cape, you You want to show off how many downloads you get? “knows” about and is able to parse version information from a given nuget URI. In this lesson, we'll add several badges using Download in HD at our library as Published NPM, we'd like to add some badges to our Read Me,  Snippets to quickly insert badges into HTML, Markdown, on PyPI; svg-pypi-dl-month - monthly downloads on PyPI; svg-travis - build status on Travis svg-npm-ver - the version of a Node package; svg-gpl3 - link to GNU General 

ESLint plugin for AngularJS applications. Contribute to EmmanuelDemey/eslint-plugin-angular development by creating an account on GitHub. During the installation, package manager called NPM is installed too. A responsive and accessible date range picker component built with React JavaScript browser testing in the cloud An express module providing a Parse-compatible API server acm:ListCertificates * apigateway:GET /domainnames/* apigateway:GET /domainnames/*/basepathmappings apigateway:Delete /domainnames/* apigateway:POST /domainnames apigateway:POST /domainnames/*/basepathmappings apigateway:Patch /domainnames… Some people just don't get it and won't have NodeICO badges on their Rust Crates? version /crates/v/regex: downloads /crates/d/regex: downloads (per month) /jsdelivr/hits/npm/lodash: rank /jsdelivr/rank/npm/lodash: version /jsdelivr/v/npm/lodash. The npm in your URL stands for Node package manager which is not what to be possible to get a badge for the monthly downloads like this. In addition, for npm packages you can try Nodeico for more or can I add Node.js if all I know is how to install node modules/NPM installs? The one-page guide to Code badges: usage, examples, links, snippets, and [![npm version](](  19 Apr 2017 Badges? Why don't I have any stinking badges? With a flick or your wrist and a flourish of your cape, you You want to show off how many downloads you get? “knows” about and is able to parse version information from a given nuget URI.

David gets you an overview of your project dependencies, the version you use Then it's all boiled down into a badge showing the current status, which you 

Version Badge provides a consistent way for the community to learn about the package associated with a particular Github repository and other documentation  12 Apr 2017 Not sure when it started but looks like all of the npm total downloads badges are incorrectly showing as zero. Monthly downloads appear to still  Find file. Clone or download Clone this repository. Run npm ci to install the dependencies. Run npm start to start the badge server and the frontend dev server. Some people just don't get it and won't have NodeICO badges on their Rust Crates? version /crates/v/regex: downloads /crates/d/regex: downloads (per month) /jsdelivr/hits/npm/lodash: rank /jsdelivr/rank/npm/lodash: version /jsdelivr/v/npm/lodash. The npm in your URL stands for Node package manager which is not what to be possible to get a badge for the monthly downloads like this.